2022-07-01 11:32 Separate Waste Collection 2022

Installation of a ramp made of recycled plastic along with Perekryostok retail chain

Together with the Perekryostok retail chain, we installed a ramp made from recycled plastic caps in Moscow supermarket at 80, Dmitrovskoye Shosse.

The project was run as part of the «Dostupnaya Sreda» («Accessible Environment») social program along with the NPO partner «Prostranstvo Ravnyh Vozmozhnostey» («Equal Opportunity Space») and is aimed at creating a comfortable infrastructure for disabled customers visits.

A bottle caps consignment collected with special containers «Dobrye kryshechki» («Good caps») was handed over for recycling to the Tver Polymer Recycling Plant. The plant in Tver is a part of EcoPartners Group of Companies and specializes in recycling plastic packaging since 2005. For the production of one ramp we’ve used 350 kg of the raw material, which is about 17 500 plastic caps.

To create the ramp we’ve designed a unique drawing together with the «Prostranstvo Ravnyh Vozmozhnostey» partner. The drawing fully meets all the requirements for accessible and comfortable mobility of disabled people - that is confirmed by the audit from the inclusive project Everland.

The «Dobrye kryshechki» project was launched in the Perekryostok retail chain in 2021 together with Henkel. As part of the project, special boxes in the form of giant bottles were installed in 343 supermarkets of the chain, which allowed us to collect more than 12 tons of raw materials. The activity was an important step towards healthier habits and an environmentally friendly way of life among customers. On top of that, part of the recycled plastic was sold, and the proceeds - 300 thousand rubles - were sent to the «Volunteers for Orphans» fund for charity.