2021-07-14 10:31 Reverse Vending Machines 2021

Our reverse vending machine on the Hackathon Oil Tech Challenge

On July 8-15, our reverse vending machines from the Tatneft gas station project took part in the Second International Oil and Gas Youth Forum Hackathon Oil Tech Challenge for students, teachers and young professionals of the oil and gas industry in Almetyevsk.

HOTChallenge provides a unique opportunity for the professional development of talented young people. The Forum combines 4 areas of sustainable development, one of which is «Responsible Consumption and Production». Therefore, one of the devices came to take part in the exhibition and receive plastic from the concerned HOTChallenge participants.

Our BottleBank ™  reverce venging machine is equipped with a unique pressing system that understands the rigidity of the package and does not compress it if necessary, but drops it into a container anyway. This allows you to collect the largest volume of plastic, while maintaining an individual approach to each packaging material.

During the days of the Forum, the machine accepted plastic bottles and in return gave out coupons for free coffee.