2021-10-07 13:18 Separate Waste Collection 2021

Installation of ecobenches in Dmitrov with MacCoffee

MacCoffee company gave to Dmitrov ecobenches, that were installed in the park «Birch Grove» in October. «EcoTechnologies» helped with the idea of ecobenches.

The representatives of MacCoffee and «EcoTechnologies» met with the administration of Dmitrov on October 7. General Director of SGX Mainboard-listed Food Empire Holdings (MacCoffee) Anisimkin Sergei Valerievich officially presented the head of the city with a certificate of transfer of ecobenches for public use. From the first minutes of installation, the benches made a pleasant impression on the visitors of the park.

The benches are made of polymer-sand composite with the addition of packaging waste from the coffee products MacCoffee. About 2,460 MacCoffee packets went to the production of one bench with a back, and about 1,710 packets went to the production -without a back.
Benches help to show the park’s guests the importance of separate waste collection and recycling, because a large part of the waste can be returned to the production cycle and make of it useful things for everyone to use.